Package-level declarations


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data class CodeAdditionsDeletions4Weeks(val additions: Long = 0, val deletions: Long = 0)
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data class CommunityData(val facebookLikes: Double = 0.0, val twitterFollowers: Double = 0.0, val redditAveragePosts48h: Double = 0.0, val redditAverageComments48h: Double = 0.0, val redditSubscribers: Double = 0.0, val redditAccountsActive48h: Double = 0.0, val telegramChannelUserCount: Double? = null)
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data class DeveloperData(val forks: Long = 0, val stars: Long = 0, val subscribers: Long = 0, val totalIssues: Long = 0, val closedIssues: Long = 0, val pullRequestsMerged: Long = 0, val pullRequestContributors: Long = 0, val codeAdditionsDeletions4Weeks: CodeAdditionsDeletions4Weeks? = null, val commitCount4Weeks: Long = 0, val last4WeeksCommitActivitySeries: List<Long>? = null)
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data class IcoData(val icoStartDate: String? = null, val icoEndDate: String? = null, val shortDesc: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val links: IcoLinks? = null, val softcapCurrency: String? = null, val hardcapCurrency: String? = null, val totalRaisedCurrency: String? = null, val softcapAmount: Double?, val hardcapAmount: Double?, val totalRaised: Double?, val quotePreSaleCurrency: String? = null, val basePreSaleAmount: Double?, val quotePreSaleAmount: Double?, val quotePublicSaleCurrency: String? = null, val basePublicSaleAmount: String? = null, val quotePublicSaleAmount: String? = null, val acceptingCurrencies: String? = null, val countryOrigin: String? = null, val preSaleStartDate: String? = null, val preSaleEndDate: String? = null, val whitelistUrl: String? = null, val whitelistStartDate: String? = null, val whitelistEndDate: String? = null, val bountyDetailUrl: String? = null, val amountForSale: Double?, val kycRequired: Boolean = false, val whitelistAvailable: Boolean?, val preSaleAvailable: Boolean?, val preSaleEnded: Boolean = false)
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class IcoLinks(val web: String? = null, val blog: String? = null, val github: String? = null, val twitter: String? = null, val facebook: String? = null, val telegram: String? = null, val whitepaper: String? = null, val linkedin: String? = null)
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data class Links(val homepage: List<String>? = null, val blockchainSite: List<String?>? = null, val officialForumUrl: List<String>? = null, val chatUrl: List<String>? = null, val announcementUrl: List<String>? = null, val twitterScreenName: String? = null, val facebookUsername: String? = null, val bitcointalkThreadIdentifier: String? = null, val telegramChannelIdentifier: String? = null, val subredditUrl: String? = null, val reposUrl: ReposUrl? = null)
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data class PublicInterestStats(val alexaRank: Long? = 0, val bingMatches: Long? = 0)
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data class ReposUrl(val github: List<String>, val bitbucket: List<String>)
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data class Roi(val times: Float = 0.0f, val currency: String? = null, val percentage: Float = 0.0f)
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data class SparklineIn7d(val price: List<Double>? = null)