Package-level declarations


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A Category representing the content of a torrent, used to filter query results.

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sealed class ProviderResult

A container for the result of a single torrentsearch.TorrentProvider query. ProviderResult is either a Success instance or any number of Error types.

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sealed class ResolveResult

ResolveResult contains details and resolved torrents from a single provider.

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class ResolveResultSet(val results: List<ResolveResult>)

ResolveResultSet is a container for a collection of ProviderResults which simplifies accessing the resolve details across multiple providers.

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Represents a parameter that may be consumed by a torrentsearch.TorrentProvider when executing a query.

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A container for ProviderResults across multiple TorrentProviders. SearchResult eagerly executes the query with each TorrentProvider in providers.

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data class TorrentDescription(val provider: String, val magnetUrl: String?, val title: String, val size: Long, val seeds: Int, val peers: Int, val themoviedbId: Int? = null, val tvdbId: Int? = null, val imdbId: String? = null, val infoUrl: String? = null, val hash: String?)

Represents a torrent listed on a torrentsearch.TorrentProvider. Contains all the provider's latest details for the torrent and a magnetUrl which can be used to download the torrent.

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data class TorrentQuery(var content: String? = null, var category: Category? = null, var imdbId: String? = null, var tmdbId: Int? = null, var tvdbId: Int? = null, val skipCache: Boolean = false, var page: Int = 1, var limit: Int = -1)

TorrentQuery contains all the required details to search for a specific torrent across all enabled providers.