Package-level declarations


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Represents a DOM document providing APIs to query and manipulate the document.

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expect open class KtSoupElement : KtSoupNode

A DOM element from a KtSoupDocument.

actual open class KtSoupElement : KtSoupNode
actual open class KtSoupElement : KtSoupNode
actual open class KtSoupElement : KtSoupNode
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expect open class KtSoupNode

The base type representing all DOM nodes in a KtSoupDocument.

actual open class KtSoupNode
actual open class KtSoupNode
actual open class KtSoupNode(nodePtr: CPointer<lxb_dom_node_t>)
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expect interface KtSoupParser

The primary entrypoint for KtSoup, use parse to receive a KtSoupDocument to access and manipulate the provided HTML document.

actual interface KtSoupParser
actual interface KtSoupParser
actual interface KtSoupParser
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expect class KtSoupText : KtSoupNode
actual class KtSoupText : KtSoupNode
actual class KtSoupText : KtSoupNode
actual class KtSoupText(textPtr: CPointer<lxb_dom_text_t>) : KtSoupNode


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const val DEFAULT_PARSE_BUFFER_SIZE: Int = 1024

The default buffer size for parsing HTML documents using KtSoupParser.parseChunked.