
expect interface KtSoupParser

The primary entrypoint for KtSoup, use parse to receive a KtSoupDocument to access and manipulate the provided HTML document.


actual interface KtSoupParser


actual interface KtSoupParser


actual interface KtSoupParser



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expect object Companion : KtSoupParser
actual object Companion : KtSoupParser
actual object Companion : KtSoupParser
actual object Companion : KtSoupParser


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expect abstract fun parse(html: String): KtSoupDocument

Parse the given html document.

actual abstract fun parse(html: String): KtSoupDocument
abstract fun parse(inputStream: InputStream): KtSoupDocument

Parse an HTML document use the provided inputStream, the stream will be closed when reading is complete.

actual abstract fun parse(html: String): KtSoupDocument
actual abstract fun parse(html: String): KtSoupDocument
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expect abstract fun parseChunked(bufferSize: Int = DEFAULT_PARSE_BUFFER_SIZE, getChunk: (buffer: ByteArray) -> Int): KtSoupDocument

Parse an HTML document by calling getChunk to fill the provided ByteArray until no more data is available.

actual abstract fun parseChunked(bufferSize: Int, getChunk: (buffer: ByteArray) -> Int): KtSoupDocument
actual abstract fun parseChunked(bufferSize: Int, getChunk: (buffer: ByteArray) -> Int): KtSoupDocument
actual abstract fun parseChunked(bufferSize: Int, getChunk: (buffer: ByteArray) -> Int): KtSoupDocument
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expect abstract suspend fun parseChunkedAsync(bufferSize: Int = DEFAULT_PARSE_BUFFER_SIZE, getChunk: suspend (buffer: ByteArray) -> Int): KtSoupDocument

Parse an HTML document by calling getChunk to fill the provided ByteArray until no more data is available.

actual abstract suspend fun parseChunkedAsync(bufferSize: Int, getChunk: suspend (buffer: ByteArray) -> Int): KtSoupDocument
actual abstract suspend fun parseChunkedAsync(bufferSize: Int, getChunk: suspend (buffer: ByteArray) -> Int): KtSoupDocument
actual abstract suspend fun parseChunkedAsync(bufferSize: Int, getChunk: suspend (buffer: ByteArray) -> Int): KtSoupDocument