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Useful Libraries

This page contains a list of useful libraries which can be useful in larger projects using Mobius.kt.


When writing Update functions you will typically use the copy method provided by data classes to create updated model instances. The standard copy method is adequate in simple cases but can quickly clutter your Update functions. Kopykat provides generated builder copy methods which provide instance variables to set instead of a long list of function parameters.


data classes provide a toString in Model classes which make Logging simple and useful in Mobius.kt. When Model's contain sensitive information you do not want logged, overriding and keeping the toString method updated is tedious. With Redacted, you can annotate individual properties with @Redacted to omit the actual data from the standard toString implementation.


data classes are a convenient utility in a lot of situations, especially with Mobius.kt. But there may be cases where they may be generating a lot of code that you do not use. If you're not using dead-code elimination tools, this can bloat your application or library. Poko allows you to get the toString, equals, and hashCode implementations provided by data class without generated copy methods. This can be particularly useful with Event and Effect class subtypes.