Amount of data left to download (bytes)
Percentage of file pieces currently available
Time (Unix Epoch) when the torrent completed
Number of leechers connected to
Number of seeds connected to
Absolute path of torrent content (root path for multifile torrents, absolute file path for singlefile torrents)
Amount of data downloaded
Amount of data downloaded this session
True if first last piece are prioritized
True if force start is enabled for this torrent
Last time (Unix Epoch) when a chunk was downloaded/uploaded
Number of leechers in the swarm
Maximum seeding time (seconds) until torrent is stopped from seeding
Torrent elapsed time while complete (seconds)
Number of seeds in the swarm
Time (Unix Epoch) when this torrent was last seen complete
True if sequential download is enabled
Torrent state.
True if super seeding is enabled
Tag list of the torrent
Total active time (seconds)
Amount of data uploaded this session
Torrent upload speed limit (bytes/s). -1 if unlimited.
Torrent upload speed (bytes/s)