
class Torrent(val addedOn: Long, val amountLeft: Long, val autoTmm: Boolean, val availability: Float, val category: String, val completed: Long, val completedOn: Long, val contentPath: String, val dlLimit: Long, val dlspeed: Long, val downloaded: Float, val downloadedSession: Float, val eta: Long, val firstLastPiecePriority: Boolean, val forceStart: Boolean, val hash: String, val lastActivity: Long, val magnetUri: String, val maxRatio: Float, val maxSeedingTime: Long, val name: String, val seedsInSwarm: Int, val leechersInSwarm: Int, val connectedLeechers: Int, val connectedSeeds: Int, val priority: Int, val progress: Float, val ratio: Float, val ratioLimit: Float, val savePath: String, val seedingTimeLimit: Long, val seenCompleted: Long, val sequentialDownload: Boolean, val size: Long, val state: Torrent.State, val superSeeding: Boolean, val tags: List<String>, val timeActive: Long, val seedingTime: Long, val totalSize: Long, val tracker: String, val uploadLimit: Long, val uploaded: Long, val uploadedSession: Long, val uploadSpeed: Long)


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constructor(addedOn: Long, amountLeft: Long, autoTmm: Boolean, availability: Float, category: String, completed: Long, completedOn: Long, contentPath: String, dlLimit: Long, dlspeed: Long, downloaded: Float, downloadedSession: Float, eta: Long, firstLastPiecePriority: Boolean, forceStart: Boolean, hash: String, lastActivity: Long, magnetUri: String, maxRatio: Float, maxSeedingTime: Long, name: String, seedsInSwarm: Int, leechersInSwarm: Int, connectedLeechers: Int, connectedSeeds: Int, priority: Int, progress: Float, ratio: Float, ratioLimit: Float, savePath: String, seedingTimeLimit: Long, seenCompleted: Long, sequentialDownload: Boolean, size: Long, state: Torrent.State, superSeeding: Boolean, tags: List<String>, timeActive: Long, seedingTime: Long, totalSize: Long, tracker: String, uploadLimit: Long, uploaded: Long, uploadedSession: Long, uploadSpeed: Long)


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enum State : Enum<Torrent.State>


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@SerialName(value = "added_on")
val addedOn: Long

Time (Unix Epoch) when the torrent was added to the client

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@SerialName(value = "amount_left")
val amountLeft: Long

Amount of data left to download (bytes)

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@SerialName(value = "auto_tmm")
val autoTmm: Boolean

Whether this torrent is managed by Automatic Torrent Management

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Percentage of file pieces currently available

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Category of the torrent

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Amount of transfer data completed (bytes)

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@SerialName(value = "completion_on")
val completedOn: Long

Time (Unix Epoch) when the torrent completed

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@SerialName(value = "num_leechs")
val connectedLeechers: Int

Number of leechers connected to

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@SerialName(value = "num_seeds")
val connectedSeeds: Int

Number of seeds connected to

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@SerialName(value = "content_path")
val contentPath: String

Absolute path of torrent content (root path for multifile torrents, absolute file path for singlefile torrents)

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@SerialName(value = "dl_limit")
val dlLimit: Long

Torrent download speed limit (bytes/s). -1 if unlimited.

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Torrent download speed (bytes/s)

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Amount of data downloaded

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@SerialName(value = "downloaded_session")
val downloadedSession: Float

Amount of data downloaded this session

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val eta: Long

Torrent ETA (seconds)

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@SerialName(value = "f_l_piece_prio")
val firstLastPiecePriority: Boolean

True if first last piece are prioritized

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@SerialName(value = "force_start")
val forceStart: Boolean

True if force start is enabled for this torrent

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Torrent hash

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@SerialName(value = "last_activity")
val lastActivity: Long

Last time (Unix Epoch) when a chunk was downloaded/uploaded

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@SerialName(value = "num_incomplete")
val leechersInSwarm: Int

Number of leechers in the swarm

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@SerialName(value = "magnet_uri")
val magnetUri: String

Magnet URI corresponding to this torrent

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@SerialName(value = "max_ratio")
val maxRatio: Float

Maximum share ratio until torrent is stopped from seeding/uploading

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@SerialName(value = "max_seeding_time")
val maxSeedingTime: Long

Maximum seeding time (seconds) until torrent is stopped from seeding

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Torrent name

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Torrent priority. Returns -1 if queuing is disabled or torrent is in seed mode

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Torrent progress (percentage/100)

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Torrent share ratio. Max ratio value: 9999.

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@SerialName(value = "ratio_limit")
val ratioLimit: Float
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@SerialName(value = "save_path")
val savePath: String

Path where this torrent's data is stored

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@SerialName(value = "seeding_time")
val seedingTime: Long

Torrent elapsed time while complete (seconds)

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@SerialName(value = "seeding_time_limit")
val seedingTimeLimit: Long
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@SerialName(value = "num_complete")
val seedsInSwarm: Int

Number of seeds in the swarm

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@SerialName(value = "seen_complete")
val seenCompleted: Long

Time (Unix Epoch) when this torrent was last seen complete

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@SerialName(value = "seq_dl")
val sequentialDownload: Boolean

True if sequential download is enabled

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val size: Long

Total size (bytes) of files selected for download

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Torrent state.

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@SerialName(value = "super_seeding")
val superSeeding: Boolean

True if super seeding is enabled

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@Serializable(with = CommaListSerializer::class)
val tags: List<String>

Tag list of the torrent

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@SerialName(value = "time_active")
val timeActive: Long

Total active time (seconds)

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@SerialName(value = "total_size")
val totalSize: Long

Total size (bytes) of all file in this torrent (including unselected ones)

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The first tracker with working status. Returns empty string if no tracker is working.

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Amount of data uploaded

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@SerialName(value = "uploaded_session")
val uploadedSession: Long

Amount of data uploaded this session

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@SerialName(value = "up_limit")
val uploadLimit: Long

Torrent upload speed limit (bytes/s). -1 if unlimited.

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@SerialName(value = "upspeed")
val uploadSpeed: Long

Torrent upload speed (bytes/s)